Time Off and Leaves Policy Highlights
- Official holidays are those holidays as set forth annually in the campus calendar. Unless the University designates an alternate day, when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as the holiday; and when a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is observed as the holiday.
- When operational needs require, the faculty mentor may schedule postdoctoral scholars to work on University holidays. In such instance(s), postdoctoral scholars shall receive an alternate day off for each holiday worked. The postdoctoral scholar may request specific dates to be used as alternate days off. The faculty mentor shall not unreasonably deny such requests.
- Postdoctoral scholar may observe special or religious holidays by using personal time off or by working an alternate day, if the University determines that work schedules permit. The faculty mentor shall not unreasonably deny such requests.
Personal Time Off
- Postdoctoral Scholars with a 100%, 12-month appointment are eligible to use up to twenty four (24) work days of personal time off with pay at any time within each 12-month appointment period.
- Eligibility for pay status during time off is determined by the funding agency. Unless the extramural funding agency agreements contain provisions to the contrary, Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellows and Postdoctoral Scholar-Paid Directs are eligible to take time off.
- Use of personal time off is recorded in one-day increments. Approved absences of less than a day do not require the use of personal time off.
Use of time off requires the advance approval of the University. - Postdoctoral scholar shall submit requests for personal time off to their faculty mentor. When making such requests, postdoctoral scholars should attempt to request time off to minimize the effect on their research and progress.
- The University may deny requests for personal time off based on operational needs. The University shall not unreasonably deny a postdoctoral scholar’s request for personal time off.
- Postdoctoral Scholars are expected to communicate with the faculty mentor to request personal time off as soon as the need for the time off becomes known. The request must include the information needed by the faculty mentor to assess the operational impact of the leave.
- If the faculty mentor requires that the postdoctoral scholar’s request be made in writing, or if the postdoctoral scholar submits the request in writing, the faculty mentor’s response will be made in writing. The faculty mentor should respond to the request for personal time off as soon as practicable.
- Personal time off not used within the 12-month period is not carried over into a subsequent appointment year. Personal time off not used when the postdoctoral scholar’s appointment concludes, including when a postdoctoral scholar leaves the appointment prior to the established appointment end date, remains with the University.
Sick Leave
- Postdoctoral scholars are eligible for sick leave without loss of compensation of up to twelve days per twelve-month appointment period. All twelve (12) work days are available for use on the first day of appointment.
- Appointees with a less than 12-month appointment are eligible for sick leave in proportion to the appointment period; for example, a postdoctoral scholar with a six month appointment is eligible for up to six days of sick leave.
- Use of sick leave is recorded in one-day increments. Approved absences of less than one full day do not require the use of sick leave.
- Sick leave shall be used in keeping with normally approved purposes, including the postdoctoral scholar’s personal illness for medical appointments, childbearing, and disability. Sick leave may also be used for medical appointments for a family member, to attend to the illness of a family member, or bereavement due to the death of a postdoctoral scholar’s family member.
- Sick leave may also be used when the postdoctoral scholar is taking Family and Medical Leave a) due to the postdoctoral scholar’s own serious health condition, b) to care for a family member with a serious health condition, or c) as military caregiver leave.
- The University shall carry forward unused sick leave to subsequent eligible appointments at the University of California.
- A postdoctoral scholar who is reemployed after a separation from employment of less than fifteen (15) calendar days shall have all sick leave from prior service reinstated. If the separation from employment lasted more than fifteen (15) calendar days but less than six (6) months, not more than ten (10) work days of sick leave shall be reinstated. If the separation lasted for six (6) months (180 days) or more, sick leave shall not be reinstated. A postdoctoral scholar who is reemployed from layoff status shall have all sick leave reinstated.
Leaves of Absence
- Leaves of absence may be with or without pay, may be for medical purposes and/or non-medical reasons, and are subject to the approval of the University. Approved leaves do not continue beyond the predetermined end date of the postdoctoral scholar’s appointment.
- Non-medical leaves of absence, with or without pay, include: certain Family and Medical Leaves (leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition, parental leave, military caregiver leave, and qualifying exigency leave), leave for jury duty, military leave, leave for professional meetings, personal leave, and leave for service to governmental agencies.
- Medical leaves with or without pay, include Pregnancy Disability Leave, Family and Medical Leave taken for the postdoctoral scholar’s own serious health condition and disability leave.
Work-Incurred Injury or Illness
- A postdoctoral scholar unable to perform the normal duties of her/his job due to a work-incurred illness or injury compensable under the California Workers’ Compensation Act may be granted leave for the duration of a verified disability but not to exceed twelve (12) months or the end date of the appointment, whichever comes earlier.
- Work-Incurred Injury or Illness Leave runs concurrently with Family Medical Leave.
- An approved leave of absence for work-incurred illnesses or injuries shall not be considered a break in service.
- Postdoctoral scholars who are unable to work due to a work-incurred injury or illness compensable under the California Workers’ Compensation Act are eligible to use sick leave and personal time off. When sick leave is exhausted and when postdoctoral scholars are still unable to work because of such illness or injury, postdoctoral scholar may be placed on a leave without pay.
- A postdoctoral scholar shall notify her/his supervisor of the need for leave for a work-incurred injury or illness, or any extension of such leave, as soon as practicable after the need for such leave or extension is known. This notification shall include written medical certification of the need for such leave or extension, and the anticipated return to work date.
- Leave for a work-incurred injury does not continue beyond the postdoctoral scholar’s established appointment period.
Access the UC-UAW PX contract for complete policy. For additional information about time off and leaves, including eligibility, please contact your department administrator.
Information on this website regarding postdoctoral scholar benefits are based on the previous UAW Bargaining Contract [ratified on 10/17/16]. For the most current information, please refer to the recently ratified contract: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/px/contract.html.